The Foundation Con Amor supports underprivileged people in order to improve their future perspective and / or develop their living conditions.
Con Amor spends a maximum amount on – preferably – educational projects and projects that improve living conditions among which medical and / or housing. It concerns initiatives that benefit more people at once. We favour children or youngsters, because this group has the best developing potential.
Con Amor supports projects that aim at a lasting (long-term) existence. We give our support primarily during the start-up phase, because that is when it really makes a difference. As soon as the organisation and its finance have stabilised, Con Amor will withdraw. The duration of Con Amor’s support is therefore always limited. Con Amor wants to know in detail and in advance what our donation is intended for. We might buy the necessary products, if any, ourselves.
For Con Amor involvement of the local population is a prerequisite at any project. Besides that we feel that a project should benefit the local economy.
Moreover it is also important to Con Amor that we feel committed to the project, in spite of its distance. That is why Con Amor always visits a project in advance and periodically after its start. In this way we can see with our own eyes what happens with our donation and assess its necessity.
• Con Amor always supports projects directly, without intervention by third parties.
• Our donations will not be used ‘to fill holes’ or to join a number of already existing financiers.
• If exceptionally, we decide to support an individual, this will only happen in a loan construction. In this way we prevent abuse. Individual support is always customized.